I have to live every minute ♫
As if you were mine ♫
I am approaching my limit ♫
And I'm out of time ♫

EZRA: I have to live ev'ry hmm hmm ♫
Bah dah da da ♫

finger drumming

This light is so fucking loooong

That was "Every Minute" by Slip off Tuesday.
You are listening to the Sad Punk Hour on Huckleberry Community Radio 89.7 FM.
Before our next song, I'd like to encourage you to consider signing up for classes at any one of our three campuses-


TRUCK DRIVER: Oh my god!
Holy shit! Uhh, fuck, uhh

dial tone
Do not hang up. A dispatcher will answer your call shortly. Please stay on-

oh my god
I'm going to jail

-if you are not in immediate danger, please-
DISPATCHER: This is 911, what's your e erg n y?

TRU K DR VER: Uhh, shit, I m n uh, Cr ng an d Th i r St r ee e ee e e

... Ezra ... Ezra ... Ezra ...
... Come ... Home ... Come ... Home ...

... Shit ... No ...
... I'm so ... bad at this ...

... Boss is gonna ... kill me ...


EZRA: Oh shit, I'm alive!
Hello? Nurse?


What an asshole, wasn't even looking.

I don't feel a thing. They must have loaded me up with painkillers or something.
And now I'm talking to myself.

NURSE: So, has he been identified yet?

EZRA: She, actually. Are you my nurse?

OFFICER: Nothing yet. Only been a few hours though. Sometimes it takes a while to turn up.

NURSE: Well, I can't file any paperwork until he's identified. Just-


NURSE: -let someone on staff know whenever you're able. We're gonna move the body to-

EZRA: Excuse me

NURSE: -the morgue.

OFFICER: Of course. I'm going to head back to the station, someone will call you when we know for sure.

NURSE: Thank you for your help.

EZRA: Fuck.

I am not alive.